Today we celebrate Foster Day! You may ask yourself, “What’s that?” Foster Day marks the anniversary of our longest employee Mike Foster, our Principal Engineer. This edition of Friday Fives (as well as the entire day here at 33Across) is in celebration of Mike’s service and commitment to the company. Learn more about how 33Across has grown, Mike's views on artificial intelligence, and the multiple instruments he plays.
How has engineering changed since you’ve been in the industry?
The industry has changed immensely. Software engineers now have access to a number of packages that can be integrated to form larger systems. This has influenced the way engineers think about software development. Computers and the way that they are manufactured have also advanced. Much more can be done now with less hardware and for less money.
What engineering project proved to be your most challenging?
During the early years of 33Across, everything was a challenge because we had very few people and we were starting from scratch. More recently we replaced Chukwa with Flume. We’re also upgrading our Hadoop application software to CDH5. All of these have been challenging projects.
Erica Roane
Recent Posts
Friday Fives: Our Principal Engineer Mike Foster on 33Across Growth, AI, and Reading NT Greek
Posted by Erica Roane on Jul 14, 2017 9:47:00 AM
Topics: friday fives
Last Week Today: Google Attribution, Net Neutrality, and Monetizing Apple News
Posted by Erica Roane on Jul 5, 2017 6:09:45 PM
What was the buzz around the office last week? Google Attribution, net neutrality predictions, and Apple helping publishers monetize
1. How pubs can really win with Google Attribution
With its new attribution tool, Google plans to measure credit card transactions post-ad impression. While this breakthrough will new great for buyers, this could also be a game-changer for publishers as well. With that, AdExchanger explains how publishers need to become good “two-way players.” Aligning content with advertiser interest and developing yield-optimizing insights are just a few of the ways publishers will be able to benefit from Google Attribution.
Topics: google, publishers, monetization
Last Week Today: Traffic Verification, Walled Gardens, and 2017 Programmatic Trends
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 26, 2017 6:03:33 PM
What was the buzz around the office last week? It's time for the traffic verification process to improve, walled gardens may get a little sunlight, and programmatic industry stats for 2017.
1. Better lanes for ad tech traffic
Traffic verification processes need to improve in order for advertisers to combat fraud. Advertisers must access how they’re currently using 3rd party services on both the buy and the sell-side. With so much non-human traffic within ad tech, AdAge recommends a few steps to improve fraudulent activity including shifting ad budget as well as adopting new metrics and buying models.
Topics: News, third party verification, pmp
Three New Ways To Take Advantage of The 33Across Publisher Dashboard
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 26, 2017 12:47:10 PM
When was the last time you logged into your publisher dashboard? Don't worry, we'll wait. Similar to gym memberships, the more you log into your dashboard the better your monetization results could be. The 33Across dashboard allows publishers to not only proactively earn revenue but also increase traffic. Just in case you need some motivation to log-in, check out some of the dashboard uses below.
Pull Your Own Tags
Seeing how users share your content just got easier. Even better, you don't have to rely on an account manager to get your tags. Our dashboard gives publishers more control over their monetization strategies by creating an environment accessible for you to create your own tags. No worries, we offer a ton of instructions and a walk-thru of our entire tag optimization process.
Pivot Delivery Reports
The Pivot Delivery Reports within the dashboard shows you which ad units yield the most revenue. Respectively, the dashboard also reveals your ad units with the least performance. The report also offers geo-targeting and allows publishers to track and compare traffic by device. We know that insights are everything for publishers, so we have you covered.
Easy Data Export
We offer reporting at the granular level on KPIs that matter to you most including fill rate, revenue, and eCPMs. Our dashboard breaks down these metrics with ease. We also encourage you to export our reports and couple our data along with any internal tools you may already have. Take your CSV file and place it in your own applications will usually do the trick.
Now that monetizing just got easier, log into your publisher dashboard now to increase your revenue even more.

Topics: publishers, monetization
Friday Fives | Bageshri Lagu, Gives Career Advice and Her Food Speciality
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 23, 2017 12:27:27 PM
How did you get your start in product management? What advice do you have for someone entering the field?
I started my career in product management defining software features for Motorola phones. Anyone looking to transition into product management should look into certificate courses. They should also join meet ups,check out product management-focused blogs, and attend webinars to learn more about the field.
What excites you about working at 33Across?
33Across' culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence motivates and excites me everyday. I know everyone brings their best and we work really well together as a team.
In comparison to other industries, what makes being a product manager within ad tech different?
Compared to my experience in mobile software, apps, and content; I find Ad Tech to be faster moving. This industry is complex and ever-changing with many players. With so much competition, you really have to think about what will make your product stand out from others and also anticipate industry trends.
What are a few personality traits that make for a successful career in product management?
Being a good listener, an influencer, a problem solver, and having a business mindset are all top personality traits of a great product manager.
Do you cook? If so what is your specialty dish?
I would call my style of cooking as somewhat traditional Indian cuisine. My specialty dish is Goan coconut chicken curry.
Topics: friday fives
Last Week Today: The Future of Ad Blocking, Marketers Wise Up, and 33Across Growth & Expansion News
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 19, 2017 6:53:03 PM
What was the buzz around the office last week? Ad blocking companies may be the new 'Napster,' marketers are working smarter, and expansion moves from us here at 33Across.
1. Is there a 'Napster' of Ad Tech?
We all remember the days of music-sharing site Napster and how the platform revolutionized the way we receive music and hindered profits from recording companies. The same is happening now within ad tech and Adblock Plus is Napster’s equivalent- preventing sales. There are a few outcomes that can come from the use of ad blockers such as Adblock Plus, AdExchanger lays out a few scenarios.
Topics: ad blocking, 33Across News
Last Week Today: Choosing Quality First, Domain Spoofing, and Monetizing OTT Video
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 12, 2017 5:30:01 PM
What was the buzz around the office last week? Buyers and publishers are putting quality first, ad fraud concerns may also end domain spoofing, and how publishers plan to monetize over-the-top video.
1. What happens when pubs and buyers choose quality
Looks like ad tech is rooting for the premium publisher. Thanks to 3rd party verification tools; viewability and audience metrics have improved the relationship between buyers and publishers. Premium publishers have also nurtured their relationship with users by providing them a positive experience. According to AdExchanger, advertisers are moving further away from scale and going towards quality instead.
Friday Fives | Amey Bordikar, VP, Engineering Talks Diversity and Netflix Binges
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 9, 2017 8:43:00 AM
Ever wonder what it's like to be an engineer at growing ad tech company? Of course you have! In this edition of Friday Fives we're featuring Amey Bordikar, our VP of Engineering. From ad tech challenges to recruitment efforts, Amey gives us the deets on all things engineering, and Netflix binge-watching.
Topics: programmatic, transparency
What publishers should know about Google's new ad blocker
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 8, 2017 4:55:08 PM
Last week Google announced that in 2018 Chrome will have its own ad blocker. By the end of 2017, EMarketer expects for the use of ad blockers to increase by double-digits therefore this move should come at no surprise. As publishers, Google's decision to block ads certain will likely affect you. To prepare your sites and inventory for this unprecedented yet expected move, here’s what you should know:
Topics: ad blockers, google, publishers
Last Week Today: Programmatic Is 'Alive,' Google's New Ad Blocker, and Yield Optimization Strategies
Posted by Erica Roane on Jun 5, 2017 8:59:00 AM
What was the buzz around the office last week? No more calling programmatic 'dead,' Google will soon offer an ad blocker, and optimizing yield for the long run.
1. Yes, programmatic lives on.
We’ve all seen our fair share of “programmatic is dead” headlines, but are they accurate? After all programmatic digital display ads now account for 80% of U.S. display spending. Moreover programmatic allows for both precision targeting and contextual ad targeting which makes brands happy. Forbes breathes life into programmatic and explains how the technology is not only alive but flourishing.
Topics: programmatic, native advertising, programmatic video, yield optimization