Sheer Size
DMEXCO reflects that both the digital marketing and advertising technology industries are alive and well. I was stunned with how large and globally diverse the industry has grown. Much bigger than it seemed last year, itseemed impossible to reach everyone I wanted to see in 2 days. With so many exhibitors and attendees, I wouldn’t be surprised if another day is added for next year.
Publisher Power
DMEXCO was a great opportunity to meet with new and existing partners, all in one place. In speaking with partners at DEMCXO, many seem to be going through an auditing phase, vetting advertisers that are not consistently performing while also onboard those that they feel confident will perform.
Big Mobile
Mobile seemed to be the most important area of interest and growth this year, it is definitely the way. Almost everyone's traffic is now coming more from mobile than desktop.
Thinking global, locally.
Transparency, viewability, page speed and latency are the main focuses in the US while the rest of the world has a concern with ad blocking. While some global companies have made significant pan-European traction, much of their business is still transacted locally and with in-country experts - as is the case with Germany.
It’s all about balance
Walking 7 miles a day in Cologne makes it completely ok to live on beer and bratwursts for a few days.