Google announced that as of February 15th, 2018, Chrome will stop showing ads that don’t meet certain standards for quality. Bad news if you’re using ads that deliver subpar experiences. Good news if you’re using 33Across since our ads are compliant with the Better Ads Standards.
Here’s what you need to knowVideo: Auto-play video with sound will be blocked, however, almost 100% of publishers using our core video products have sound off. The jury is still out on how the Better Ads Coalition and IAB will address in-stream video. We’ll keep you posted once we learn more.
Desktop display: Our ads adhere to the Better Ads recommendations
Mobile display: To address concerns about interstitial units, we just released our new Mobile Scroller unit.
Our team will continue to monitor display and video developments from the Better Ads Coalition in 2018 to ensure that any formats at risk are evaluated, and features are developed to avoid revenue loss.
Questions? Feel free to contact us at: hello[at]33across.com.