What's the buzz around the office this week? Programmatic video is on the rise globally, but there are a few factors that could be affecting its growth; despite recent changes Facebook viewers are favoring video content from publishers and LinkedIn boosts their advertising with programmatic display.
1. Global Programmatic Video: What's the holdback?

By 2018, programmatic video will hit the $15 billion mark. In addition to the U.S. profiting, Europe also stands to generate a significant amount of the revenue programmatic video is expected to bring in. In preparation for the surge, MediaPost explores a few key areas to look out for which could affect the global development of programmatic video.
2. Views of Publisher Video Content Goes Up

Facebook recently announced a change to their algorithm. The social media platform will now deliver news from a user's network of family and friends rather than from publishers. While this may not be the best news for publishers, Facebook viewers are actually taking a keen interest in publisher-produced video content. AdWeek breaks down recent data produced by SocialFlow, detailing the reach of video on Facebook.
3. LinkedIn boosts its programmatic advertising

LinkedIn now offers programmatic display buying to its publishers. With 97 million unique monthly visitors, the network is looking to cash in on the browsing activity of their users. Coming off the heels of their $26.2 billion acquisition from Microsoft, the decision to invest in programmatic spending comes at no surprise. Digiday explains what programmatic could mean for this job-seeking platform.