What's the buzz around the office this week? Google's new dynamic allocation product could create stiff competition for buyers; time-based advertisting gets broken down and data takes frontstage in the world of programmatic creative.
1. Google's potential threat to header bidding

Google has recently teamed up with buyers such as Rubicon Project and publishers such as About.com. Why? They are testing their new dynamic allocation product. With this new feature, the playing field is evened out and buyers will no longer have a bidding advantage over one another. With the future of header bidding on the line, AdExchanger details how this may look for both buyers and publishers.
2. Time-Based Advertising: What you need to know

Using time as a measurement within digital advertising may soon become the standard. Buyers not only need to know that their ads were viewed, but the length of time a viewer spent on an ad is also crucial to their campaigns. ExchangeWire explains the concept of 'politely interruptive' ads and what we can look forward to with time-in-view.
3. Get ready, creativity is coming to data

Let's face it, data has not always received the most love within the creative world. Well world, it is a brand new day. Brands are now utilizing data creatively to target their audiences and personalize their experiences. Econsultancy explains the concept programmatic creative and what this means for data as a whole.