1. You can now buy TV ads with Google
Google has taken their ad tech game to next level and they have brought programmatic along for the ride. Last week the company announced that advertisers can now buy TV ads via its DoubleClick Bid Manager. Google is looking to capitalize from the 42% of television viewers who would actually rather watch their shows on a computer versus a traditional TV. Forbes explains how Google’s new ads tie right in with their new YouTube TV subscription service.
2. ComScore is feeling generous
3. Natural selection meets header bidding
Header bidding is causing a strain on the ad tech infrastructure. DSPs are evaluating more impressions and it is now costing more to buy the same ads than it has cost in the past. The increase in costs is expected to hit the small to mid-sized DSPs and SSPs the hardest. AdExchanger explains how only the strongest and most adaptive DSPs will be able to survive now that header bidding is here to stay.